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$ search

Searching for folders and assets requires the use of a context flag along with the name of the folder/asset you are searching for. The search will match anything with your search term in the name, both full and partial matches.

--cb -fContent Builder Folders
--cb -aContent Builder Assets
--cb -f:sharedShared Content Builder Folders
--cb -a:sharedShared Content Builder Assets
--as -fAutomation Folders
--as -aAutomation Assets
--as -f:sqlSQL Activity Folders
--as -a:sqlSQL Activity Assets
--as -f:ssjsSSJS Activity Folders
--as -a:ssjsSSJS Activity Assets
--de -fData Extension Folders
--de -aData Extension Assets
--de -f:sharedShared Data Extension Folders
--de -a:sharedShared Data Extension Assets

Folder Searches

All folder searches will return the following format.

bldr search --cb -f welcome

welcome Search Results | 120 Results
ID 97203
Name Welcome Emails
CreatedDate 2022-05-17T11:12:52.337
ModifiedDate 2022-05-17T11:12:52.337
ParentFolder.Name Content Builder
ParentFolder.ID 35088

ID 97204
Name welcome_v1
CreatedDate 2022-05-17T11:13:59.367
ModifiedDate 2022-05-17T11:13:59.367
ParentFolder.Name Welcome Emails
ParentFolder.ID 97203


Asset Searches

Content Builder

Content Builder asset searches will identify the assetId and assetType with other important details to identify the correct asset.

bldr search --cb -a welcome

  welcome Search Results | 1 Results
  ID 96330
  Name Welcome Email 1
  AssetType htmlemail
  CreatedDate 2022-05-26T09:03:45.137-06:00
  ModifiedDate 2022-05-26T14:17:15.737-06:00
  Category.Name welcome_v1
  Category.ParentId 97204

Automation Studio

Automation Studio asset searches will return the ObjectId with other important details to identify the correct asset.

bldr search --as -a welcome

  welcome Search Results | 1 Results
  ObjectId 7e626e82-0831-4ade-9b24-2d2a6c8a7deb
  Name welcome_process
  Description Welcome Automation for new subscribers
  Status 2
  CreatedDate 2022-04-22T10:34:32.91
  ModifiedDate 2022-05-03T10:32:58.123
  IsActive true

bldr search --as -a:sql welcome

  welcome Search Results | 1 Results
  Name welcome_segment
  queryDefinitionId f0a09df6-5611-4eca-8aeb-65a7be9decef
  CategoryID 117528
  ModifiedDate 2022-08-24T12:41:33.73
